2008年1月2日 星期三

Homework u1587 組別how 余星輝 49673113

  New Year New Hope NEW LIFE

     New year comes. We all have new thought about the following year. To become stronger, someone may train self everyday. Everyone has his own blueprint about his own new life. However, 胡適,who started the Chinese Renaissance, which we called 54sport,gave us his frame of new life.

     New life means life with meanings. Moreover, what is life? When we did something and we can't tell why should we do this then this is the life without meanings. On the other hand, when you can give a answer to why did you do then this is the life with meanings. That is to say, the why of life is the meaning of life. Moreover, that is the difference between human beings and animals. Why should I do this why shouldn't I. Only if you can answer the question, then you can say "I live a meaningful life as human."

    It makes me feel great. The image of new life is different by everyone. However,胡適 gave us a common point about life. No matter what kind of person you want to be, you always can practice it by asking yourself "why".

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