2008年1月1日 星期二

張鳳羚 The Track Of My comprehensive English enhancement plan for 2007-2008 school year(u1587 3G )

I took the second level test of GEPT 中高級.
It tested my speaking and writing English ability.
I met many of my friends in the room which we took the test.
I was a litlle nervous, but I did my best.
That's the most important thing.
The result of the test will come out on Feburary.

I already received six Newsweek,the magazine I orderd at the begining of the semester.
I didn't read it all line by line,but I do read all the topic.
It's quite tired to read so many English at a time,so I usually seperat an artical into tow or three times.

I do follow my plan step by step.
I believe that my pay would be worthy.
My English would be better day by day.
We'll see!
