2008年1月3日 星期四

王盈之-The meaning of christmas to me -U1587-choco

In my opinion,Christmas makes great difference with any other festival.And i took it seriously when i was in junior high,because i was studied in a catholic school for three years.I remember that when Christmas coming,our teacher used to lead us to sing Christmas carols alone the streets and our school always celebrated Christmas grandly.
  I really enjoy the atmosphere that Christmas brings. It shares love and peace with everyone in the world as Christmas celebration becomes more prevalent.
  Christmas is the celebration of birth of Christ who sacrificed for truth and faith.As result, we should remember this meaningful day and pass down to our offspring forever.

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鄭星佑-The end of the semester is coming-u1857-Echo

Review the first semester of my college life,I really receive a lot.
However,I know that I didn't do well on my academic performance,but it doesn't mean everything.
The part which I think I gain most from my daily college life is mental development,especially the inner feeling from the interaction between I and my classmates.
I also attended some extracurricular activities held by school,such as the contest of cheer squad on the anniversary celebrations of our school and the play contest.
Both of the activites we BA won the championship,I'm so glad to be one of the BA family.
In conclusion,my college life seem to be fine except the academic part,but there's still a final exam,I'll do my best to take it.

How 張辰宇 - The Meaning Of Christmas To Me

The Meaning of Christmas to Me
Christmas is a time for family, friends and lovers to get together.
Everytime I see lovers holding hands,
strolling on the street and kissing each other passionately, I feel sad.
Christmas is a good time for people who have a significant other to spend it with,
but to me it really isn't very important.
On Christmas, I find some single friends like me and we celebrate another single Christmas together.
We love each other's company, but we all secretly wish that we can spend the next Christmas with somebody else, in a different way.

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2008年1月2日 星期三

How 施宇娟 - The Meaning Of Christmas To Me

Christmas is a holiday that every member in the family get together in that day.
We can have delicious food, share the life experience, and the happy memories we all had.
All over the world, people send love to everyone he/she love. People give warm smile to strangers in this cold festival.
To me, Christmas is a festival full of love.
Christmas represnts love.
Anyone can share their love and give their kindness in this thankful day.
Christams is a day, a holiday, filled with sweet things in the world.



  The one I admire most is Orhan Pamuk.He is creative and extrodanary.The novels he writes are reflecting.He is a Turkish author
and won a Nobel prize at 2006.

   He was born in a rich family.At first his father expected him of being an architect,however ,he became a author during his college.This shows that he has his own rights.
    His novels are highly prized by comments.He can write  the novels
which  syncretize  America's and Islam's culture.Although he is opposed by some Islamites,he is still praised by a lot of people because of his special conception.


詹雅筑, HW5, u1587, 3G

                           A creative person
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 ~1827) was a German composer and virtuoso pianist. He was an important figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western classical music, and remains one of the most famous and influential musicians of all time.

Born in Bonn, Germany, he moved to Vienna, Austria, in his early twenties and settled there, studying with Joseph Haydn and quickly gaining a reputation as a virtuoso pianist. Beethoven's hearing gradually deteriorated beginning in his twenties, yet he continued to compose masterpieces, and to conduct and perform, even after he was completely deaf.

Beethoven adopted the principles of sonata form and motivic development that he inherited from Haydn and Mozart, and he greatly extended them, writing longer and more ambitious movements.

Beethoven composed in various genres, including symphonies, concerti, piano sonatas, other sonatas (including for violin), string quartets and other chamber music, masses, an opera, and Lieder. He is viewed as one of the most important transitional figures between the Classical and Romantic eras of musical history.

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Homework u1587 組別how 余星輝 49673113

  New Year New Hope NEW LIFE

     New year comes. We all have new thought about the following year. To become stronger, someone may train self everyday. Everyone has his own blueprint about his own new life. However, 胡適,who started the Chinese Renaissance, which we called 54sport,gave us his frame of new life.

     New life means life with meanings. Moreover, what is life? When we did something and we can't tell why should we do this then this is the life without meanings. On the other hand, when you can give a answer to why did you do then this is the life with meanings. That is to say, the why of life is the meaning of life. Moreover, that is the difference between human beings and animals. Why should I do this why shouldn't I. Only if you can answer the question, then you can say "I live a meaningful life as human."

    It makes me feel great. The image of new life is different by everyone. However,胡適 gave us a common point about life. No matter what kind of person you want to be, you always can practice it by asking yourself "why".

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2008年1月1日 星期二

;張鳳羚 The Meaning Of Christmas To Me ( u1587 3G )

I love Christmas tree.
My parents decorate the Christmas tree with many decorations every year.
There is always a big star on the top of the tree.
I am the one that take the responsibility of putting the star.
They would put many gifts which are well-packaged under the tree.
Everytime when I think of the Christmas tree,a smile would show up on my face.

Christmas to me is a great festival.
People can spread love and peace through some Christmas activities,such as exchanging presents.
During Christmas,the world is overwhelmed by a warm atmosphere.
Since there are so many wonderful thing would happen during Christmas,why not love it?
Oh~I love Christmas!

張鳳羚 The Track Of My comprehensive English enhancement plan for 2007-2008 school year(u1587 3G )

I took the second level test of GEPT 中高級.
It tested my speaking and writing English ability.
I met many of my friends in the room which we took the test.
I was a litlle nervous, but I did my best.
That's the most important thing.
The result of the test will come out on Feburary.

I already received six Newsweek,the magazine I orderd at the begining of the semester.
I didn't read it all line by line,but I do read all the topic.
It's quite tired to read so many English at a time,so I usually seperat an artical into tow or three times.

I do follow my plan step by step.
I believe that my pay would be worthy.
My English would be better day by day.
We'll see!