2007年11月10日 星期六

張鳳羚 Homework 4 ( u1587 3G )

Part I About the Bluemen performance
A. Transcribe the complete text


B. What do you think of this performance?

I have never heard of the Bluemen before.
The way they perform is quite interesting.
Actually, their blue head immediate got my attention at the moment I saw them.
It made me want to know what are they doing.
I think it a good way to appeal all the human being to face the Global Warming problem.
They do impress me a lot.
In short,it is a successful performance.

Part II About global citizenship
A. In what ways do you think you are already a global citizen?

We all live on earth.
Maybe we will live on another planet one day,
but it won't come true recently.
The world is big,
but many inventions shorten the distance between people,
such as the digital satellite system, TV, and the internet.
I use internet to read news everyday,
so that I can know what things happen on earth.
My friends and I sometimes discuss about the news and exchange each other's viewpoint.
And I also chat with people from different countries on the internet.
Thus, I think I am a global citizen.
I do connect my life with the world!

B. How can you become a better global citizen?

As a student, hardly can I make huge contribution to the world,
But I'll try to do my best.
I will start with changing the small details in my life,
such as don't use wood chopsticks, using reprocessed paper, and so on.
No matter how small my action would affect the world,
I will continue doing things I can do.
I wish that we can have a healthy world
Let's do something for the global !

Homework(blue man) u1587 組名HOW 余星輝 49673113


The Editor's Choices of the 3rd Week

朱靜芳: 喔喔喔原來如此!

呂智敏 : The Kite Runner洪子雅: A Gathering Light
Mid-Term Exam is coming...

吳華婷:Re: 到底,我們是為了什麼才學英文?

譚筱蓉: The first time to watch CNN

邱嘉珍Hello, this is 3G !

張鳳羚Holloween ( > < )

許孟岡English Corner 2- fun moment

廖學民 Homework 4 (u1587 HOW)

PART I. About The Bluemen Performance
Your Attention Please. Planetary VEHICLE, we hope you enjoy the many wonderful features of this planet, as you hurtle to through the cosmos.
PLEASE NOTE, however, that in the event of continued inaction in the face of GLOBAL WARMING.
Your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device, also, plaeae take a moment to locate this planet's EMERGENCY EXITS, as you can see, there aren't any.
I thought this video was something about MUSIC initially. However, it turned out to be an appeal to all the human being to face the Global Warming problem.
The Bluemen is really somebody in my viewpoint , they know how to remind the public to face with the serious problem which had been ignored for many years.
With facetious filming implements such as pipes and tubes, the main issue would definitely imprint in people's mind.I think that I am deeply affected by this performance since that I am now living in the global village, and I would try my best to protect it.
The performance is really impressive anyway.
PART II About global citizenship
I view myself as a qualified global citizen because I am eager to know the latest episode about global environment, and I pay lots of attention to the critical situation between countries which may triggered some war at any moment.
However, the main reason that makes me think myself a global citizen is being affected by the world trend deeply, which governs my attitude toward the globe.
To become a better global citizen, I should try to affect others and give them an optimistic but realistic notion toward all the thing on the planet we called Earth, by behaving like one.As we know, the information is spreading miraculously, so I could use the advantage of it to send out messages like "Orphanage-caring" and "Forest-rebuilding" whatever could do some payback to the world.

2007年11月9日 星期五

Homework 4

Write your answers to the following questions: (In four paragraphs. In English, of course!) This homework is due Nov. 14 (Wednesday). Submit it to our class blog.

Part I About the Bluemen performance
A. Transcribe the complete text.
B. What do you think of this performance?

Part II About global citizenship
A. In what ways do you think you are already a global citizen?
B. How can you become a better global citizen?

李倪 Homework3 (u1587 Choco)

李倪 Homework3 (u1587 Choco)
After taking a close look at Common European Framework (CEF), I think I stand in both B1 in listening and reading. I think English is an interesting and useful langrage. I often listened to the ICRT with my daddy at night, and I always read an English magazine at breakfast time before I live in the dormitory. And now I will make some changes in my approaches to learning English.

l Listening

  • 1. make good use of the Advanced Website (http://www.studioclassroom.com.tw/ad/index.php)
  • 2. listen to the ICRT before bed
l Speaking
  • 1. spend 30 minutes to 1 hour a day to practice speaking English in the room with my room-mates
  • 2. make statements in the class
l Reading
  • 1. read my text book generally everyday, and skip the unimportant and unknown words
  • 2. the New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/)
  • 3. CNN (http://www.cnn.com/)
  • 4. BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/)
  • 5. Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/)
l Writing
  • 1. update my blog everyday if possible
  • 2. keep a diary in English

2007年11月8日 星期四

王雨香 HW3 u1587 Choco

well, after taking a close look at CEF, I suppose my English ability
lies in between B1 and B2.

2. speak fluently with native English speakers
able to convey my ideas to others in english directly, clearly, with
no possibilities of somebody's getting me wrong.
not only capable of reading economics textbooks fast but also, writing
flowing sentences and expressing crystal clear points of view in this

3. every day, I spend 30 mins to 2 hr reading English articles and magazines.
also, I'm planning to read vast book reviews posted on amazon.com.
Due mainly to my interest in books( nonfiction mostly), I find this a
great way to learn English. incidentally, the stars evaluated by other
readers actually decides me whether to buy the books indirectly.
I'm planning to study abroad through the help of EF on this winter vacation.
I'll pay more attention to what professor has to say!

4. I just have to stick to this enhancement plan. not giving up, I
think making big progress in English isn't too big a deal.

林怡君 Homework3 u1587 If

After checking the CEF, I guess my listening is A2, and my reading is B1.
It's hard to decided which level am I, because I don't know weather writing & speaking are including in this standard.

However, my plan & my goal to English aren't changed.

  • 1.Keep daily studying on English. Maybe the lyric of sings, a news, or anything tiny but interesting.
  • 2.Always use the original edition of my college textbook.
  • 3.Follow the step of the class, head in homework on time.

Keep doing something & it'll become something big.

2007年11月7日 星期三

陳寧homework 3 attitude

陳寧homework 3 attitude

After I take a look at Common European Framework(CEF), I think I stand
level B1 in listening and reading. I think English is a little bit
difficult to me, so I
have to spend lots of time on it.

Because I spent much time on other activities, I didn't follow most of
the English
enhancement plans which I had made. I only spend 30 minutes studying
English and
didn't listen to any magazine.

陳 寧, HW2

homework 3

After I take a look at Common European Framework(CEF), I think I stand
on level B1 in listening and reading. I think English is a little bit
difficult to me, so I have to spend lots of time on it.

Because I spent much time on other activities, I didn't follow most of
the English enhancement plans which I had made. I only spend 30 minutes studying
English and didn't listen to any magazine.(how?)

鄭星佑u1587--My Eglish Level in CEF 作業3

After I entered the website of CEF,I guess both of my reading and listening level are B1.
Actually, it's hard to decide which level I am in only through the statements offered on the website.

However,it's just a reference,never mind~~~
All right,I'm going to talk about the plan I've made few weeks ago.
I barely follow my plan...oh~my~god~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!
There goes an old saying"Easier said than done."
It's ok....It's just a beginning...
There is still a long way to go~~~

Now that I've made the plan,I have to realize it.
so...I still don't wanna make any change on my plan.
Plan is perfect,but I'm to busy and lazy.....=.="
Whatever,I'll stimulate myself to do what I've said before.

2007年11月6日 星期二

We are Fantastic 6!

Hi! We are Fantastic 6!
Why are we called Fantastic 6?
Because we are:
Fashionable! and
Friendly too!
There are 6 of us--- Lilian, Trent, Terence, Johnny, Peter and Miquelina.
Thanks Prof. Feng for taking the picture for our group.

P.S. I am the group leader(Lilian). Actually I was shocked when I was told that I would be the leader of the group, as I don't have much experience in leading a group. Anyway I hope I can manage the group well and I will try my very best to get along with my teammates.
Let's fight together! Fantastic 6!

2007年11月5日 星期一

陳怡介 Homework3 u1587 JJ

After I checked the CEF,I guessed I am in B2 between C1,but I haven't speak English regularly for a lone time.And I am afraid that the feeling of speaking English might has gone away from me.(I am really worried about it seriously>_<)
To find the feeling of speaking English back,I think I should use some useful tips again...
WAIT!! I heard there are many people are asking me what are those useful tips??
well...I am not going to talk about it ( people yelling: guilty!! guilty!! ) at first, but now I am here and I want to deliver you guys some useful skills .
  • 1.Speak English as loud as you can when you are practising, and don't hold an egg in your mouth.WHY?? If the voice you spoke is too small to be heard, then the one who is communicating with you would think"" it is because your English is very poor,so you are afraid of speak out loud??" so SAY OUT LOUD PLEASE
  • 2.Speak English as often as you can(don't tell me that you don't have a friend speak English,at least you can NAG to yourself !!) ,for example when you are taking shower ...something like this(use your imagination XD)
  • 3.Watch more English TV program ,I mean : if there's a opportunity to choose version,try English version in the first time,do not give up yourself at the beginning.
If you have any question, talk to me during the class, maybe we can have some interaction .

陳怡介 My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan JJ group 49685016

My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan English version J group 49685016 陳怡介

My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan

  • 1. I won't skip English class, and try to do my best in class including hand in my assignment asap.
  • 2. Try to mix English and daily life into together, for example: listen to ICRT, watch movies, and read
  • Newsweek, besides I will also chat with my foreign friends in English to enhance my communication ability.
  • 3. When I grew older, I will prepare TOFEL or GRE something like that, but it must be very hard.

This plan will adjust for my situation.


I hope that I can watch a football game in Englsih and
exactly understand what broadcast are

talking about before 08 EU cup.

I think that the first step is to know some vocabularies
which are commonly used in the game,

and I should to know more about the rules and some team
players. It may be helpful.

And I should watch the games evey week to practice my
listening comprehension.

If it doesn't work, maybe I'll adjust it.

2007年11月4日 星期日

謝涵如 Homework3 (u1587 Choco)

More on CEEP 1.1

By taking a look at Common European Framework (CEF), I think I stand in both B1 in listening and reading. While English is not a difficult language to me, I still have a lot to improve! This week, I do follow some English enhancement plans which I had made. Let's take a close look^ ^

I listend to the "advanced (
http://www.studioclassroom.com.tw/ad/index.php)" on the radio and watched CNN on TV for about a hour a day. Meanwhile, I made a vocabulary list from the magazine to support my learning.

I talked to some foreign teachers at my English cram school this week. Although the conversations seemed general, it do help me in my speaking ability. I will practice more... and I hope that my accent will be more accurately!

In addition to the "New York Times(
http://www.nytsyn.com/)", I also skimmed over other foreign websites... such as CNN(http://www.cnn.com/), BBC(http://www.bbc.co.uk/), and Washington Post(http://www.washingtonpost.com/)

I haven't written any essay yet... but, I updated my English blog on schedule. To enhance my English writing ability, I think I should also work on my textbook (Reading for the Real World 3 & Summit 1).

Writing is always the weakness part in my English learning. I will truly follow my enhancement plan and looking forward to my fruitful results!

**Is everyone doing well on English learning?**

謝涵如 Homework2 (u1587 Choco)

My Comprehensive English Enhancement Plan for 2007-2008 School Year

In order to enhance my English ability, I would like to set my two specific goals:
  • 1) Pass "GEPT" high level
  • 2) Get 800 points on TOEIC test

To achieve these two goals, I will have the following specific actions:
•Training my four abilities in English

1) Listening
I have already formed a habit of listening to the English program (such as "advanced") on the radio. I'll keep working on it for at least half a hour a day.

2) Speaking
I have been doing a part-time job in an English cram school twice a week since I was in senior high school. I always have English conversations with teachers who work there.

3) Reading
Every Monday, I read some international news on "New York Times". And I also read some articles on the "advanced" magazines. Both the vocabularies and the news broaden my views toward this world.

4) Writing
I'm trying to write some English essays in my free time. Meanwhile, Professor Tsao asked us to build English blogs on our own. I'd like to share my life to everyone and I hope I can get some responses.

In order to do these actions on schedule, I'll keep track of my English training every week. Also, I'll duly change my training content if necessary.

**Wish everyone has fun in English**