2007年11月3日 星期六


吳華婷 49679011-3G homework 3

i read the six levels of CEF, and i guess i'm between B2 and C1 in both my listening and reading abilities.

in reading, i may not know the meanings of every word in an article or other reading materials but i can understand the main idea; in terms of listening, while watching movies or listening to broadcasts, i can also understand what the speaker is saying, except for some slangs or and special phrases.
as for my ceep, due to my inability to carry out my former plan, there is a need for me to revise it:

  • 1. even though i wasnt able to update my english blog for the past few weeks, but as of now, i will try to follow my former plan.
  • 2. reading an english novel thirty minutes a day seems to be impossible so i'll change it three hours a week. maybe every other day or maybe on weekends.
  • 3. i haven't started watching the smallville series i mentioned before, but i'll try watching it instead of some TV programs.
  • 4. i'll be more specific about getting satisfying grades in english class: i'll preview and review the textbooks used in both english classes and of course, the most important thing is to concentrate in class.
  • 5. i'll be using the BBC podcasts to listen while i commute but there are also other fun things on the BBC site <http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/index.shtml> there are news, quizzes, exams and others. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab <http://www.esl-lab.com/> is also a site that must not be ignored. i'll be visiting these web sites at least once a week.
