2007年11月15日 星期四

邱嘉珍, Homework 4, u1587, 3G

Part I :About the Bluemen performance

A. Transcribe the complete text.

Your attention please
Thank you for choosing earth as your planetary vehicle
We hope you enjoy the many wonderful features of this planet
As your hurtle through the cosmos
Please note
that in the event of continued inaction
in the face of global warming
Your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device

please take a moment to locate this planet's emergency exits
As you can see
there aren't any

Earth to America !
Can you hear?
Sending out a message
Loud and clear

Can you hear?

B. What do you think of this performance?

I can't express my feelings exactly. The strong beats drew my attention and I couldn't help but watch it again and again in order to figure out what the three blueman wanted people know. After so many times watching the performance, although I still can't understand some words, I thought that I understand a little bit of message they tried to send it to us. Words shwon in the middle block really made me thought of the movie"An Inconvenient Truth". I often have the question why so many administrators don't stop their verbal battles and give priority to facing the global warming problem. Isn't the problem clear enough? Or isn't it serious enough? Sometimes I'm angry at them but immediately I know that the anger is useless. The last twenty seconds really touched me and made an impression on me. The chimney emitted chemical fumes, a large part of iceberg was broken. And again, the emission from the chimney and the broken of iceberg. Harmful fumes are continuous emitted and pollute the earth and do great damages to the atmosphere! I don't know how to specifically describe my feelings. I have only one word to say-HEARTBREAKING. The unusual increment of greenhouse gas rises the water level and tsunamis and hurricanes caused the more serious aftermath. Everytime I see such news, I take so much pity on the people lives in the disaster areas. "Can't someone help them?" I almost yell. There're still something that I don't know the reason why the blueman on the right side wore snorkel and why the performance ended up with all things concentrate on one point near Australia. Is the point being the water hemisphere?

Part II :About global citizenship

A.In what ways do you think you are already a global citizen?

I take buses to school rather than riding on motorcycle and I do recycling instead of just dumping bottles or papers in the general trash. Besides, I usually put a small plastic bag in my bag to put things I bought and use the same bag again and again.

B. How can you become a better global citizen?

Perhaps I can only make a very small effect on the earth, but I'll keep doing recycling and take care of global news more frequently and more actively. I think that will really help to the lifetime of earth.
